Frequently asked questions
Kindly pick your escort girl profile from photo gallery or contact our customer service hotline number.
We are the agency that provide our girl to any hotel or residence in Kuala Lumpur & selangor Area If happen you do not own a room please contact our customer for hotel room arrangement for you.
Sorry no credit card payment,but you may have other method of payment for instance Paypal,App pay or instant bank transfers.
Sorry no credit card payment,but you may have other method of payment for instance Paypal,App pay or instant bank transfers.
Yes of course you may book your selected escort girl thru our contact from ready or just call / whatsapp our customer service number for your inquiry.
Yes ! We are always ensure our girls clean and safe to our clients.Safety measures during intercourse Condoms offer the best available protection against STIs by acting as a physical barrier to prevent the exchange of semen, vaginal fluids or blood between partners.
Do you need more any question that we cant solve here . whatsapp us now